Tag Archives: object detection

Investigative journalism’s AI challenges: accuracy and bias, explainability and resources

screenshots of guidelines on AI

Having outlined the range of ways in which artificial intelligence has been applied to journalistic investigations in a previous post, some clear challenges emerge. In this second part of a forthcoming book chapter, I look at those challenges and other themes: from accuracy and bias to resources and explainability.

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AI in investigative journalism: mapping the field

screenshots of various examples of AI being used in journalism, including Serenata de Amor, Leprosy of the Land and The Implant Files

Investigative journalists have been among the earliest adopters of artificial intelligence in the newsroom, and pioneered some of its most compelling — and award-winning — applications. In this first part of a draft book chapter, I look at the different branches of AI and how they’ve been used in a range of investigations.

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