The strikes and the rise of the liveblog

Liveblogging the strikes: Twitter's #n30 stream

Liveblogging the strikes: Twitter's #n30 stream

Today sees the UK’s biggest strike in decades as public sector workers protest against pension reforms. Most news organisations are covering the day’s events through liveblogs: that web-native format which has so quickly become the automatic choice for covering rolling news.

To illustrate just how dominant the liveblog has become take a look at the BBCChannel 4 News, The Guardian’s ‘Strikesblog‘ or The TelegraphThe Independent’s coverage is hosted on their own subdomain while Sky have embedded their liveblog in other articles. There’s even a separate Storify liveblog for The Guardian’s Local Government section, and on Radio 5 Live you can find an example of radio reporters liveblogging.

Regional newspapers such as the Chronicle in the north east and the Essex County Standard are liveblogging the local angle; while the Huffington Post liveblog the political face-off at Prime Minister’s Question Time and the PoliticsHome blog liveblogs both. Leeds Student are liveblogging too. And it’s not just news organisations: campaigning organisation UK Uncut have their own liveblog, as do the public sector workers union UNISON and Pensions Justice (on Tumblr).

So dominant so quickly

The format has become so dominant so quickly because it satisfies both editorial and commercial demands: liveblogs are sticky – people stick around on them much longer than on traditional articles, in the same way that they tend to leave the streams of information from Twitter or Facebook on in the background of their phone, tablet or PC – or indeed, the way that they leave on 24 hour television when there are big events.

It also allows print outlets to compete in the 24-hour environment of rolling news. The updates of the liveblog are equivalent to the ‘time-filling’ of 24-hour television, with this key difference: that updates no longer come from a handful of strategically-placed reporters, but rather (when done well) hundreds of eyewitnesses, stakeholders, experts, campaigners, reporters from other news outlets, and other participants.

The results (when done badly) can be more noise than signal – incoherent, disconnected, fragmented. When done well, however, a good liveblog can draw clarity out of confusion, chase rumours down to facts, and draw multiple threads into something resembling a canvas.

At this early stage liveblogging is still a form finding its feet. More static than broadcast, it does not require the same cycle of repetition; more dynamic than print, it does, however, demand regular summarising.

Most importantly, it takes place within a network. The audience are not sat on their couches watching a single piece of coverage; they may be clicking between a dozen different sources; they may be present at the event itself; they may have friends or family there, sending them updates from their phone. If they are hearing about something important that you’re not addressing, you have a problem.

The list of liveblogs above demonstrates this particularly well, and it doesn’t include the biggest liveblog of all: the #n30 thread on Twitter (and as Facebook users we might also be consuming a liveblog of sorts of our friends’ updates).

More than documenting

In this situation the journalist is needed less to document what is taking place, and more to build on the documentation that is already being done: by witnesses, and by other journalists. That might mean aggregating the most important updates, or providing analysis of what they mean. It might mean enriching content by adding audio, video, maps or photography. Most importantly, it may mean verifying accounts that hold particular significance.

Liveblogging: adding value to the network

Liveblogging: adding value to the network

These were the lessons that I sought to teach my class last week when I reconstructed an event in the class and asked them to liveblog it (more in a future blog post). Without any briefing, they made predictable (and planned) mistakes: they thought they were there purely to document the event.

But now, more than ever, journalists are not there solely to document.

On a day like today you do not need to be journalist to take part in the ‘liveblog’ of #n20. If you are passionate about current events, if you are curious about news, you can be out there getting experience in dealing with those events – not just reporting them, but speaking to the people involved, recording images and audio to enrich what is in front of you, creating maps and galleries and Storify threads to aggregate the most illuminating accounts. Seeking reaction and verification to the most challenging ones.

The story is already being told by hundreds of people, some better than others. It’s a chance to create good journalism, and be better at it. I hope every aspiring journalist takes it, and the next chance, and the next one.

11 thoughts on “The strikes and the rise of the liveblog

  1. Patrick Smith

    Liveblogging gives a live experience and lasting artefact and it’s the only format that can work for both. People read things as they happen and then watch the whole thing from the start. Sport was the driver behind its evolution – cricket and football reporters have been doing this for the best part of a decade and it’s only in the past 2/3 years it’s become a mainstream news tool.

    One other reason it works for me: reporters are these days tweeting too much. The Leveson enquiry has been impossible to follow just through Twitter, it’s a deluge. I don’t want to know every last thing Hugh Grant has to say, I just want the edited news and none of the filler.

  2. Pingback: 10 liveblogging ideas (and 30 liveblogging tips) | Online Journalism Blog

  3. Pingback: Teaching liveblogging | Online Journalism Blog | journalism blog

  4. Pingback: ScribbleLive Official Blog | Liveblog live blogging

  5. Bill Bennett

    Live-blogging works well when a story unfolds. It’s brilliant for cricket and good for other sports coverage. Court coverage, Parliamentary debates and the like.

    It was great in the recent NZ election campaign – although for some odd reason the papers here would stop their coverage at 4pm. What was that about?

    In my experience it doesn’t work so well for unstructured news, especially if the person in the hot-seat is under-resourced. I’ve watched sites where there’s a confused mishmash of disconnected material flying in from all parts. This probably isn’t an issue for a UK newspaper, down here, it can end up being a dog’s breakfast.

  6. Pingback: De kunst van live bloggen | vanderlubben

  7. Pingback: Live blog, live blogging - a new know-how for journalism students

  8. Pingback: Circa news app shows liveblogging’s rise and rise | Online Journalism Blog

  9. Pingback: 10 liveblogging ideas (and 31 liveblogging tips) | Online Journalism Blog

  10. Pingback: Live blog: A new know-how for journalism students | uxdesign

  11. Pingback: UK media liveblog public sector strike - ScribbleLive - Your Content Marketing Software

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