Some other online innovators for some other list have a list of this year’s “leading innovators in journalism and media”. I have some additions. You may too.

Nick Booth

I brought Nick in to work with me on Help Me Investigate, a project for which he doesn’t get nearly enough credit. It’s his understanding of and connections with local communities that lie behind most of the successful investigations on the site. In addition, Nick helped spread the idea of the social media surgery, where social media savvy citizens help others find their online voice. The idea has spread as far as Australia and Africa.

Matt Buck and Alex Hughes

Matt and Alex have been busily reinventing news cartoons for a digital age with a number of projects, including Drawnalism (event drawing), animated illustrations, and socially networked characters such as Tobias Grubbe.

Pete Cashmore


Tony Hirst

Tony has been blogging about mashups for longer than most at, providing essential help for journalists getting to grips with Yahoo! Pipes, Google spreadsheets, scraping, and – this week – Google App Inventor.

Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison

I’m unfairly bunching these two together because they were responsible – with others – for the Django web framework, which has been the basis for some very important data journalism projects including The Guardian’s experiment in crowdsourcing analysis of MPs’ redacted expenses, and Holovaty’s Everyblock.

Philip John

Behind the Lichfield Blog but equally importantly, Journal Local, the platform for hyperlocal publishers which comes with a raft of useful plugins pre-installed, and he runs the West Midlands Future of News Group.

Christian Payne

Documentally has been innovating and experimenting with mobile journalism for years in the UK, with a relaxed-but-excitable on-screen/on-audio presence that suits the medium perfectly. And he really, really knows his kit.

Meg Pickard

Meg is an anthropologist by training, a perfect background for community management, especially when combined with blogging experience that pre-dates most of the UK. The practices she has established on the community management front at The Guardian’s online operations are an exemplar for any news organisation – and she takes lovely photos too.

Chris Taggart

Chris has been working so hard on open data in 2010 I expect steam to pour from the soles of his shoes every time I see him. His ambition to free up local government data is laudable and, until recently, unfashionable. And he deserves all the support and recognition he gets.

Rick Waghorn

One of the first regional newspaper reporters to take the payoff and try to go it alone online – first with his Norwich City website, then the MyFootballWriter network, and more recently with the Addiply self-serve ad platform. Rick is still adapting and innovating in 2010 with some promising plans in the pipeline.

I freely admit that these are based on my personal perspective and knowledge. And yes, lists are pointless, and linkbait.

7 thoughts on “Some other online innovators for some other list

  1. Peter Demain

    So Paul, if I want to lodge a claim for being an ‘online innovator’ in the eyes of other presumed online people…how would I go about it?


    1. Paul Bradshaw

      I think a lot is just down to awareness. I suspect most of those on the list are there because their blogs have become well known over time, or they’ve spoken/networked at events etc. It’s completely subjective – many of those chipping away quietly within mainstream media orgs are overlooked for example.

  2. Pingback: Líderes en la innovación periodística 2010 – Periodismo Ciudadano

  3. Peter Demain

    Paul it would be good to have a reply since I wasn’t joking or mocking the premise, albeit the fact its hard to tell since we’ve never met or spoke before and it’s written word not voice.

    So…how do I go about getting on one of these lists as an ‘online innovator’?

  4. Peter Demain

    Sorry if I appeared a bit doubting of your promptness. Yes I’m familiar with journalists awarding other journalists as being something fraught with subjectivity rather than for instance a large panel of disinterested folks evaluating submitted works and voting on the matter.

    Well I should probably check it out if I want to get Dirty Garnet off the ground as a satire/news site. Bit of faux-prestige and all that heh.

    1. Sarah Hartley

      If you’re looking to engage people with your site – which I’m guessing you are by your commenting activity – why not put an about page or some detail about yourself online Peter…..a search for the name you are posting with reveals suprisingly little.


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