Blogging journalists: pt.2: Blogs and news ideas: “The canary in the mine”

The second part of the results of my survey of blogging journalists looks at how blogs have affected how journalists generate story ideas and leads.

Blogs and news ideas: “The canary in the mine”

Blogging's effect on story ideas by industry

For blogging journalists, blogs have disrupted the traditional processes of journalism in a number of ways.

Respondents spoke of a clearer perception of audience needs and interests as a result of comments and visitor statistics, which in turn fed into the choice of topics and angles to cover.

In some cases ideas were posted by journalists on their blogs and the development of the story guided by reader feedback, often changing in the process, or in some cases resulting in stories being covered which would otherwise fallen through Tuchman’s (1978) ‘news net’.

There is evidence of an increasing disintermediation of the editor’s role – understandably, as the editorial role of determining the reader’s identity and needs is undermined when writers, through their blogs, have a closer, more immediate and reliable access to that information.

The mindset of thinking for a single medium – typically print, radio or television – was also changing. Some spoke of thinking in terms of multimedia or interactivity, in turn opening new approaches to some ideas and leads.

The often highlighted (McNair, 1998; Allan, 2004; Deuze 2008 [PDF]) reliance of journalists on public relations firms, pressure groups and diary events is also being affected: respondents spoke of a broadening of the range of contacts and of the sources of ideas for potential stories.

Many mentioned getting story leads from comments on the blog or through private communication initiated via the blog. Others noted the ease of accessing contacts through other blogs, and the ability to build trust with sources through their online output, all of which represents an important challenge to traditional theories of news processes which rely on routinisation, predictability, and an “understanding that society is bureaucratically structured [which] furnishes the reporter with a ‘map of relevant knowers’ for newsworthy topics.” (Allan, 2004, p62). For some reporters, that map is being redrawn along networked lines:

“As a freelancer, blogging gives me a headstart on my MSM [mainstream media] colleagues. While they are plowing through press releases and assignments from editors, I do my digging online. Also, bloggers themselves are often great stories because they are passionate, knowledgeable and accessible.” (Respondent 174, US, freelance)

At the same time there is a framing of blogging and the blogosphere in old media terms. For many respondents, the most important change brought by blogs was an increased need for speed. Spotting trends early, or following the “chatter”, were also identified, suggesting that the ‘herd instinct’ of mainstream media remains.

Blogs are sometimes “the canaries in the coal mine,” noted one. (Respondent 69, US, Online). Some respondents also spoke of using blogs in the same way as they had previously relied on the trade press for leads and expertise.

Finally, journalists used their blogs (and microblogging platforms such as Twitter) as a way to source case studies, in the same way as previously done through other channels.

More detail in the following table:

Blogging's effect on story ideas by sector

Has blogging affected how you generate or find story ideas? Let me know in the comments.

Part 3: Blogs and story research is here.

12 thoughts on “Blogging journalists: pt.2: Blogs and news ideas: “The canary in the mine”

  1. Colin van Hoek

    Great blog again. I'm a dutch journalism student, but I also work freelance for a dutch local newspaper. This month I came up with the idea to make a 'hyve-group' (dutch facebook) for this newspaper. Through this social netwerk I'm now trying to find stories and really know what the people of the covered area care about. So my way of doing journalism and finding stories has already changed before my graduation! And I think it's a good thing.

  2. knackeredhack

    This is fascinating. Would there be enough data for a separate study aimed specifically at finance journalism. This would be very topical. Here you are dealing with a complex phenomenon which the bureaucratic structures have shown themselves unequal to. Has journalism floundered too? Has the blogosphere done better?

  3. Paul Bradshaw

    I found Facebook particularly useful in creating a group which then becomes part of the newsgathering process – plan to blog more about that when I get the time.

  4. Paul Bradshaw

    That's a very good point. I'll try to look at the finance data specifically and put together something further.

  5. Pingback: Facts & Figures: Journalists Who Blog

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  8. Pingback: Teaching Online Journalism » Blogging journalists see payoffs

  9. Pingback: Basic Thinking Blog | Verändert Bloggen die Arbeit des Journalisten?

  10. Stephanie

    Do you think having a corporate media newsroom increases the likelihood that your news story will get published?

  11. Vrbo

    This is turning out to be an interesting study into the minds of other bloggers. As I previously mentioned I would be creating a blog of my own in the near future, and looking into different ways that may affect my readership levels. My main concern is to have people coming back, but to have that happen I would need to have content that makes them want to come back. I never thought of using other peoples work from twitter, or any other micro blogging methods to generate ideas. I thought people might frown upon it for using their information and putting my own spin on it. I am going to keep reading till the end of this discussion!

  12. paulbradshaw

    I think the key thing is to acknowledge where you got those ideas from – that’s very much part of the culture of blogging. People only get pissed off when you pass off their work as your own.


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