What are regular expressions — and how to use them in Google Sheets to get data from text

In an extract from a new chapter in the ebook Finding Stories in Spreadsheets, I explain what regular expressions are — and how they can be used to extract information from spreadsheets. The ebook version of this tutorial includes a dataset and exercise to employ these techniques.

The story was an unusual one: the BBC Data Unit had been given access to a dataset on more than 200,000 works of art in galleries across the UK. What patterns could we find in the data that would allow us to tell a story about the nature of the nation’s paintings?

Some of the data was straightforward to work with: the ‘artist’ column was relatively clean, and allowed us to identify the most common male and female artist. It turned out that the latter – the Victorian botanist Marianne North – was relatively unknown. So, that was one story we could tell.


But other parts of the data were more problematic. The date column, for example, contained inconsistently formatted data: in the majority of cases a specific year had been entered, but in many others the data contained text such as “18th century” or “1900-1920” or “1800s”.

We also noticed that monarchs featured heavily in the art – but understandably there was no column that was specifically dedicated to classifying those. If we wanted to identify the most-painted monarchs we would have to create new data that somehow extracted those names from the paintings’ titles.

These problems – extracting data from existing data, particular text data – are what regular expressions are designed for. In this chapter I will explain what regular expressions are, and how to use them in spreadsheets.

What are regular expressions?

A regular expression is a way of describing a series of characters – they might be key words or phrases, names or addresses, or a code such as a telephone number – that follow a particular pattern.

This is often done in order to extract those collections of characters (for example pulling email addresses out of some data) or replace them (for example removing what you don’t want).

They are especially useful in unstructured data such as free text fields where some sort of description has been entered (e.g. “£300 was spent on food” or “The goal was scored by Marie Smith from 30 yards”), and also for textual data where the text has been automated and you want to split it up into its different parts.

Regular expressions are one of the areas where Google Sheets is definitely preferable to using Excel. Although you can technically use regular expressions in Excel, the process is complicated, involving activating special plugins and using scripts of code. Google Sheets, on the other hand, has built-in functions.

Scenarios when you might use a regular expression

Common uses of regular expressions include:

  • Extracting telephone numbers
  • Extracting postcodes or ZIP codes or similar codes
  • Extracting company registration numbers or invoice codes
  • Extracting the names of people or places
  • Extracting specific parts of an address, such as the country or street name
  • Identifying links, or email addresses, or hashtags, @names etc.
  • Identifying amounts of money
  • Extracting addresses

Before we get into the technicalities of regular expressions here are a few examples to demonstrate how you might use them.

Firstly, imagine you have a dataset on hockey and you want to tell a story about who created the most shooting opportunities for their team mates. The data contains a line for every shot but there’s no column for the person who made the pass that led to the shot. Instead it has a column with a description of what happened.

You look at that column and see that those descriptions are written in a relatively consistent way. Normally it includes a part that says “Receiving a pass from Poppy Singh” or “Following a pass from Eve Hill”.

A regular expression would allow you say ‘Get me the one or more words that follow “pass from” and start with a capital letter followed by one or more lower case letters’.

In this example you are describing a combination of specific words (‘pass from’), character patterns (names start with capital letters), and position (coming after ‘pass from’).

Here’s a second example: you have a column in some data on spending that contains the full address of the company receiving the money. You don’t want the full address, however – you want the code that comes at the end of the address (normally called a postcode or ZIP code – or CAP in Italy, CEP in Brazil, PLZ in Germany and Austria, and PIN in India).

Your regular expression this time might say ‘Find me any text that has a certain number of capital letters followed by a number, then a space, then a capital letter and two digits’ (different countries’ postal codes follow different patterns so you would use the description that fit the one being used by your data).

A final example: let’s say in the same data there’s a column which says how much money was spent, and on what – “£3000 was spent on clothes for the actors”.

In this case you might use one regular expression to find the amount of money: it might say something like ‘a currency symbol followed by one or more digits’. You might find that there are commas or decimals in the figures that you need to factor into your description as well (‘a currency symbol followed by one or more digits and/or commas or periods’). You might use a variation of the same regular expression to grab the thing being bought: ‘any text that comes after a currency symbol followed by one or more digits’, for example.

It’s worth pointing out that sometimes the same results can be achieved without resorting to regular expressions. For example, addresses are often separated by commas so using the ‘Text to Columns’ option in Excel (splitting on commas) might split out addresses in the way you need without having to resort to regular expressions.

Likewise if what you want is always at the start or end of a cell then you could use a function like LEFT or RIGHT to grab it (a more powerful formula might combine this with SEARCH or FIND to identify how many characters to grab) – or use SUBSTITUTE to remove all the text you don’t want.

Google Sheets’s REGEX functions

To actually form a regular expression you need to use particular characters in a particular way. This is often called regex (a short way of saying ‘regular expression’).

Google has three functions that use regex:

  • REGEXEXTRACT will extract text from a cell if it matches the pattern you describe
  • REGEXMATCH will tell you if a cell contains the pattern you describe (TRUE/FALSE)
  • REGEXREPLACE will replace text that matches the pattern you describe

All take two main ingredients:

  1. The cell you want to extract text from, check for text, or replace, and
  2. The regular expression describing what you want to extract, check for, and replace

The REGEXMATCH function has a third ingredient: what you want to replace the matched text with.

Here’s one formula to demonstrate:


This looks in cell A2 for the expression “hello”. If it finds that anywhere, when entered it will return TRUE (that is, the cell where you type this formula will show TRUE). If it doesn’t, it will return FALSE.

Here’s another, using a different regex function:


In this case, the formula will fetch the contents of cell A2, and replace any parts that match that expression (“hello”) with some different text (“goodbye”). So if A2 contained “I said hello to her and she said hello to me” the cell where you typed your formula will (once you’ve moved out of it) contain “I said goodbye to her and she said goodbye to me”.

Now for an example using the final function:


If A2 contains the characters “hello” anywhere, then when you enter this formula the cell you entered it in will simply say “hello” – in other words, it will have extracted the text matching the expression. If A2 doesn’t contain “hello” then we will get an #N/A error.

This might not sound very useful – and indeed, it isn’t in this example. To really make the best use of this function, we will need to create an expression which is less specific – and that’s where the real power of regular expressions becomes apparent.

Regular expressions as a language: regex

In the examples at the start of the chapter I explained some ways in which we might describe a pattern of characters (‘Find me any text that has a certain number of capital letters followed by a number, then a space, then a capital letter and two digits’). To do this we need a language that can describe those patterns.

Regex is that language. It can describe each character literally, as in the expression "hello", but it can also use special characters, such as brackets, asterisks, dollar signs and others, to be less specific.

Square brackets, for example, can be used to mean ‘any of these characters’

Here’s an example of an expression that does just that:


This means ‘any upper case letter’.

To say ‘any lower case letter’ you would use [a-z]. And to say ‘any digit’ you would use [0-9].

These can be strung together like so:


That expression means ‘a number followed by an upper case letter followed by another upper case letter’ (one way of describing part of a postcode).

Square brackets can also be used to indicate more specific ranges of characters, e.g. [aeiou] to indicate ‘any lower case vowel’.

A series of letters or numbers in square brackets can be combined with normal (what is normally called ‘literal’) letters or numbers to match different variations in spelling, like so:


In this case the expression is saying ‘an upper or lower case H, followed by the characters e, l, l, o in that order’

Here’s another example with numbers:


This expression specifies that the first two numbers should be 0 and 1, followed by two numbers of any value (this might be used to match a UK telephone area code).

We could also adapt the previous expression to read like this:


That would mean ‘a zero followed by either 1 or 2, followed by two more numbers’ (UK area codes, for example, can begin either ’01’ or ’02’: this now accounts for that).

Square brackets are just one of a number of characteristics of regex as a specific language. For example, instead of repeating [0-9] nine times to indicate ‘nine numbers’ you might want to be able to indicate this in another way – and you can. Likewise there are ways to specify a range, such as ‘three to five numbers’ or ‘one or more’ (we will come onto both of these later).

There are ways of indicating position in regex too (whether the text is at the start or end), and negative matches like ‘a non-numeric character’ or ‘non-space character’. But before we get into how to do those things in regex, I want to work through an example of using it in practice.

Putting this into practice with election tweets

Regex is best understood through playing with it yourself. It is a language that often involves trial and error – trying different expressions until you find one that does what you need. For this reason you can find a number of ‘regex playgrounds’ online that make it easier to try out different expressions against example text and see how they perform.

Regex Playground

RegExr is one of these playgrounds: in the top part of the page you can type an expression, and in the ‘text’ box underneath (which you can change to your own text) it will highlight the parts that are matched by the expression. On the left you’ll also find a cheatsheet, reference and other resources.

I’m going to demonstrate how to use regex with some tweets from the @BBCelection Twitter account. This is a good dataset to demonstrate regex because the tweets themselves are automated and so follow a predictable pattern that we can effectively reverse engineer with the regex.

BBC election tweets

You can dowload the data from this link. It’s been simplified to 5 columns:

  • The screen name of the account (bbcelection)
  • A datestamp: created_at
  • The text of the tweet
  • A ‘source’: for example, whether the tweet was posted using the Twitter web app, Twitterfeed or the BBC Election Bot
  • And the ID number of the tweet

We will only be using one of those columns: the text of each tweet.

First, we need to decide what pattern of text we want to match. For that, we need to look at the tweets themselves. What patterns can we identify? And which ones do we want to match (that might be in order to extract matching patterns – or use them to exclude tweets)?

One obvious pattern is that the most recent tweets appear to focus on the overall national result of the election, with text like this: “RESULT: National result for #BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/tFoMAGcFsq https://t.co/CkDxxFFbDa”

Let’s decide that we are not interested in tweets about the “national result”. We can use REGEXMATCH to detect tweets that match that pattern, and then filter on those TRUE/FALSE matches.

Give column F a title (in cell F1): “national_results”. Underneath, in cell F2, type this formula:

=REGEXMATCH(C2,"National result")

Screenshot of Google Sheets

This very simple regex – basically, a literal match of the string of characters "National result" – will return FALSE. That’s because C2 doesn’t contain that string of characters. Copy that formula down, however, and it should return TRUE when it looks in cell C4, C6, C7 and others where that string occurs.

Try changing the formula in cell F4 (where it currently returns TRUE) so that the upper case N is now lower case like so:

=REGEXMATCH(C4,"national result")

The formula should now return FALSE. This is because regex is case sensitive: it’s looking for ‘national result’ with a small ‘n’ and the tweet text in cell C4 contains ‘National result’ with an upper case ‘N’.

It’s important to ask: is the case of that letter important?

If it doesn’t matter whether the ‘n’ is upper or lower case, then our regex should not specify that either.

So let’s delete the formulae that we typed before and start again, starting in cell F2, by typing this:

=REGEXMATCH(C2,"[Nn]ational result")

…and then copy down the whole column again.

Now we are looking for a match where the ‘n’ at the start can be either upper or lower case.

That should give us a column full of TRUE and FALSE values that we can use to filter out those tweets that relate to national results (TRUE).

That’s a very basic application of regex: one thing it doesn’t do, for example, is specify whether any characters come before or after that string "[Nn]ational result" (which you normally have to do when using regex in coding). But Google Sheets assumes you are looking anywhere in the cell unless you specify otherwise by using special characters.

Now let’s move on to another function and explore some more advanced regex.

Using REGEXEXTRACT with more advanced regex

Once again, it’s best to start with a piece of text that represents the sort of pattern that you’re trying to match. Let’s say we are interested in tweets announcing the result in a particular area. Those tweets look like this:

“St Ives: CON HOLD #BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/XhpPKd29Lq https://t.co/ewVXioRbVo”

And this:

“Colne Valley: CON GAIN FROM LAB #BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/WQ2Cp80wKX https://t.co/onDZ6ff3K0”

What patterns can we pick out that are common to both examples? Here are some that I can see:

  • The first word or words start with an upper case letter followed by lower case letters (what’s called title case or headline case). That’s because they are the names of places, of course
  • That is followed by a colon
  • And a space
  • We then have a collection of three upper case characters that refer to a political party (e.g. CON for Conservative Party)
  • And a space
  • Then four upper case characters that refer to the type of result (gain or hold)
  • After either a space or more upper case characters, these characters: “#BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/”
  • After the start of that link, however, there are a series of alphanumeric characters (both upper and lower case, text and numeric) followed by a space and “https://t.co”, then more alphanumeric characters (both upper and lower case, text and numeric)

There’s plenty to go on here. In particular it’s worth emphasising that spaces are just as important as letters and numbers, and punctuation is important too.

We are going to try to create a column that extracts the party which was announced as the winner of the election in that particular area.

Give column G the name “winning_party”

There’s no point testing our formula in cells G2, G3 or G4 because the tweet text in the corresponding cells in column C don’t relate to winning parties.

So skip to cell G5, and type this formula:


The regex here specifies three upper case characters. Or, more specifically, it says “any upper case character: three of them”.

Modifiers in regex

The number in curly brackets – {3} – is what’s called a modifier.

A modifier is a special character in regex that modifies whatever comes before it. Examples include “one or more [of what was described]” and “three [of what was described]”.

In this case the modifier {3} is modifying [A-Z] (any upper case character).

Here are some other modifiers that can be used in regex:

  • To specify ‘one or more of’ use the plus sign: +
  • To specify ‘none or more of’ use an asterisk: *
  • To specify ‘zero or one of’ use a question mark: ?
  • To specify a particular range of instances, such as ‘between 5 and 10 of’ you put the lowest and highest number in curly brackets with a comma like so: {5,10}
  • To specify a minimum number of instances, such as ‘at least 7’ you put the number in curly brackets followed by a comma like so: {7,}
Screenshot of Google Sheets

Of course you could equally write this regex like so:


And that would be fine. The modifier just exists as another way to describe it – as well as a way to more flexibly describe potential variations in length, which we will need later.

Either regex works for our test cell – extracting “CON”.

Copy that formula down, however, and you’ll find that it extracts “RES” from the tweets that being “RESULT:”.

Screenshot of Google Sheets

How can we stop that happening?

A very simple way is to add the space that comes after “CON” but does not come after “RES”. A formula in row 6 with that space in it would look like this:


When this formula is used instead, you should see #N/A results for the “RESULT:” tweets because it doesn’t find a match.

There’s one odd exception: in one tweet it extracts “TWL”. Here’s the tweet:

RESULT: National result for #BBCElection #GE2019. Full results: https://t.co/qE0yxz5TWL https://t.co/kFyHWZXvuJ”

Finding the match is tricky: it’s actually from one of the URLs: that random collection of letters and numbers in the first link ends with TWL – and then there is a space.

How can we exclude random matches like this? Well, we might decide that we can just clean those rare issues out later, during data cleaning. But we could expand our regex again.

This time, we can look to the left of the text string we wanted to match: while “CON” is followed by a space to the right, it’s also preceded by a space to the left.

Some regex to match that would look like this:

=REGEXEXTRACT(C12," [A-Z]{3} ")

Using spaces in our regex creates a small problem: we just want the three-letter party symbol, not the spaces around them.

Again, we can just decide to tidy that afterwards – or we can wrap the whole of our formula in a TRIM function that strips out any space at the start and end of a cell, like so: =TRIM(REGEXEXTRACT(C12," [A-Z]{3} "))

But we will put that to one side for now. Instead, let’s ask a question: are all the parties represented by three-letter codes? No. Some parties are actually two character codes: the Liberal Democrats are LD and Sinn Fein is SF.

This is where our modifier becomes especially useful.

We can adjust the expression so it captures either a series of two or three upper case letters, like so:

=REGEXEXTRACT(C5," [A-Z]{2,3} ")

(Note that this is the formula in row 5, looking at C5 in that row)

When copied down, it not only extracts the “CON” text in tweets that contain it, but also, in row 15, “SF” for the party Sinn Fein.

Using the pipe symbol for ‘OR’ matches

Now let’s try to extract whether the tweet says that a party ‘gained’ a seat (took it from another party that won in the last election), or held it.

Give column H the title ‘hold_or_gain’.

The pattern of text that we want to match is either “HOLD” or “GAIN”. This allows us to use another special character in regex that means ‘or’: the pipe symbol, |.

Again the text in row 2 doesn’t contain what we want to match, so it’s quicker to test out our regex in row 3. In cell H3, then, type this formula:


The regex here means ‘look for the sequence of characters “HOLD” or the sequence “GAIN”‘. More pipe symbols can be added to increase the number of options. For example we could expand it to look for ‘WIN’ or ‘LOSE’ too, like so: "HOLD|GAIN|WIN|LOSE".

Once applied and copied down, the formula should extract either of those words if they exist in the tweet.

Screenshot of Google Sheets

If both words are in the text, it will grab the first match against either of those.

Using the asterisk, plus and question mark modifiers

We’ve already used the curly bracket modifier to specify a number of characters. Now let’s use the other modifiers: the asterisk, plus and question mark.

Let’s say we wanted to extract the name of the place that the result relates to. This comes at the start of the tweet, before the colon.

Names start with a capital letter, then some lower case letters. We know there’s only one capital letter, but we don’t know how many lower case ones there might be in any particular name.

That lack of certainty can be handled by one of the modifiers, however. If we know there’s at least one of a certain character, then we can use the plus sign to mean ‘one or more’.

Here’s one way to use that for the tweet in row 5:


This means ‘an upper case letter followed by one or more lower case letters’.

In the next empty column, I, try this yourself: call the column ‘constituency’ (that’s what these areas are called) and type =REGEXEXTRACT(C2,"[A-Z][a-z]+") in cell I2, underneath the column heading.

When you copy that down a number of cells, this grabs the first word in each tweet that starts with a capital followed by at least one small letter.

At the moment it’s only grabbing the first word – so only part of place names with multiple words like ‘St Ives’. And it’s grabbed some matches that we don’t want, too, like ‘This’ and ‘National’.

We can solve those problems as we go, but for now we just want to understand how these modifiers work in practice.

Let’s use the other two modifiers to show how they work.

Try changing your regex so that the plus sign is replaced by an asterisk. This means ‘none or more of’.

The formula in cell I2, then, would look like this:


Now we are asking for ‘a capital letter followed by none or more lower case letters’.

When copied down, you’ll see that this is still grabbing the first part of place names like ‘St’ and ‘Arundel’ but it’s only grabbing one letter in the other cells.

That’s because in those cells the first match for the pattern described is the first word in the tweet: ‘CORRECTION’ or ‘RESULT’. Both those words match the description ‘a capital letter followed by none or more lower case letters’ – or rather, more specifically, the ‘C’ and ‘R’ in those words fits that description: they are each a capital letter followed by no lower case letters (remember it can be either none or more with this modifier).

This modifier doesn’t help us in this expression – but it will come in very useful later.

Now let’s try the question mark:


The question mark means ‘none or one of’ the specified character(s). So this expression in full means: ‘a capital letter followed by none or one lower case letter’.

As with the asterisk, the ‘C’ and ‘R’ in the words ‘CORRECTION’ or ‘RESULT’ are matched again, because each is a capital letter followed by no lower case letters.

But in words like ‘This’ and ‘Arundel’ the regex only matches ‘Th’ or ‘Ar’: the capital followed by one lower case letter.

Matching any character: wildcards

So far the best result we’ve been able to get is to match the first word of any name – but we want to expand that to grab names which have more than one word. “St Ives”, for example.

We could change our regex to fit that sort of name – for example by duplicating the first part so it looks like this: [A-Z][a-z]+ [A-Z][a-z]+

That would match “St Ives” but it would not match single-word place names, or those with more than two words, such as “Arundel & South Downs” (the &, by the way, is the code for an ampersand – and it doesn’t use a capital letter, although we could amend the expression to capture that too).

So we need a different approach.

One useful approach is to look at any characters that appear after the words that we want.

In this case, the place name is always followed by a colon. So we could simply ask for ‘one or more of any characters followed by a colon’.

There is a special character in regex that means ‘any character’: it is the period, or dot: .

This is often referred to as a wildcard, in the same way that the Joker in a pack of cards can be a ‘wildcard’ and represent any card in the deck.

Here’s an example of an expression which means ‘one or more of any characters followed by a colon’:


There are only three characters here: the wildcard which means ‘any character’, then the modifier to specify that we want ‘one or more’ of that, and then the literal character – the colon – which simply means ‘a colon’.

Let’s try that in row 5, which is the first tweet that mentions a result in a particular place, by changing the formula to this:


That works in extracting both words of “St Ives” and the colon that follows them (which we can clean out later).

When copied down the column it also matches “Arundel & South Downs:” – but in some cells it is matching “RESULT:” too, which we don’t want.

Now we can start to be more specific in our expression to try to exclude those.

The obvious difference between the “RESULT:” and “St Ives:” is that the former is all upper case whereas the latter uses at least one lower case letter after the initial capital.

We can re-use the regex from earlier to specify this, and incorporate it into our new expression:


Now we are saying: ‘An upper case letter followed by a lower case letter followed by one or more of any characters, followed by a colon’ (note: this means that any name must be at least three characters long, including spaces, before the colon, so “St” along wouldn’t match. If we did think that there might be two-character single-word place names in our data, we could amend the expression to use * instead of + to mean ‘none or more’, rather than ‘one or more’).

When we change our formula to use that expression, and copy it down the column, it now stops matching “RESULT”.

However, it does now match another part of the tweets that we don’t want: the part that says “Full results:”

We could, once again, filter this out as part of cleaning. But this problem gives us a convenient excuse to explore another part of regex…

Specifying position (start or end)

If we can’t distinguish between “St Ives:” and “Full results:” based on their characters, we can distinguish between them based on their position: “St Ives” and other names always appear at the start of the tweet.

There are two special characters that we can use in regex to specify that we are looking for a pattern in a particular position:

  • The caret symbol ^ means ‘at the start of the text’
  • The dollar symbol $ means ‘at the end of the text’

These special characters must be used in a particular position: The caret must be used at the very start of the expression; the dollar must be used at the very end.

With our expression then, we just need to add a caret symbol to the start of our expression to specify that we only want to bring back matches where that pattern occurs at the very start of the tweet:


When we adjust our formulae to include that caret symbol the results should now stop fetching “Full results:” because that series of characters doesn’t appear at the start of each tweet (instead those matches should now change to #N/A errors, indicating it has failed to find a match, which is what we want).

‘Escaping’ special characters

A final aspect of regex to demonstrate is what to do when you want to match a character which is used as a special character in regex. In other words, what if you wanted to match an actual dollar sign, or period, or question mark?

The website Regular-Expressions.info has a helpful page that explains the differences between literal characters and special characters. “There are 12 characters with special meanings,” it says:

“The backslash \, the caret ^, the dollar sign $, the period or dot ., the vertical bar or pipe symbol |, the question mark ?, the asterisk or star *, the plus sign +, the opening parenthesis (, the closing parenthesis ), the opening square bracket [, and the opening curly brace {, These special characters are often called “metacharacters”. Most of them are errors when used alone.”

(Characters not in that list are literal characters: that is, they literally refer to themselves: a c means ‘a lower case c’; a 0 means ‘a zero’; and so on.)

If we wanted to look for a pattern of characters that included one or more special characters, then, we need a way to specify that we don’t want them to be treated as a special character.

This is called ‘escaping‘ a special character.

In regex you escape a special character by putting a backslash before it. So, for example, if we wanted to match an asterisk, we would write \*.

As it happens, the only special character in the tweets that we’ve been using is a period (.), also known as a full stop or dot. That’s perhaps the most likely special character that you might want to match literally.

In the case of the tweets the period is actually quite a useful character to focus on: it separates the first part of the tweet containing the result, and the second part of the tweet containing a generic “Full results:” link.

If we wanted to use regex to grab that first part of the tweet from each cell, then, we could use this expression:


This expression uses the period character both as a special character (to mean ‘any character’) and as a literal character (to mean ‘a period’).

There’s a lot going on here in just four characters, too. It starts with that period to mean ‘any character’, followed by an asterisk – a modifier – to mean ‘none or more of’. Next comes a backslash to mean ‘escape the character that follows’, and a period which this time – because of that backslash – literally means ‘a period’.

In fact, it’s better to see it as two pairs of two characters rather than four separate characters: The period and asterisk (‘none or more of any character’); and the backslash and period (‘a period, literally’).

Taken together, those two pairs of characters equate to the expression ‘none or more of any character, followed by a full stop’.

Indicating symbols, spaces, line returns and other character types

In addition to ‘escaping’ special characters, the backslash can also be used with certain letters to indicate other types of characters. Here are some examples:

  • \w will match any lowercase or uppercase character, or number, or underscores
  • \W will match any character that’s not lowercase or uppercase, not a number or underscore
  • \d will match any number
  • \D will match any character that’s not a number
  • \s will match any ‘whitespace’ character: those include spaces but also a tab character, carriage return, or new line – in other words characters that aren’t ‘visible’ in the sense of using ink if they were to be printed
  • \S will match anything that is not a ‘whitespace’ character
  • \b will – when combined with one or more characters – match those characters at the start, or end, of a word. For example \bBEL will look for ‘BEL’ at the start of a word, while BEL\b will look for ‘BEL’ at the end of a word (so the former will match ‘BELT’ but not ‘BABEL’ and the latter will match ‘BABEL’ but not ‘BELT’)
  • \B will – when combined with one or more characters – match where those characters are not at the start, or end, of a word. For example \Blet will look for ‘let’ anywhere except at the start of a word, while let\B will look for ‘let’ anywhere except at the end of a word (so the former will match ‘toilet’ and ‘fletcher’ but not ‘letter’ and the latter will match ‘fletcher’ and ‘letter’ but not ‘toilet’)
  • \n will match a newline character
  • \r will match a carriage return character
  • \t will match a tab character

Some of these can be used as an alternative to those used already: for example \d will do the same as [0-9] and \w is more efficient way of writing [A-Za-z0-9_].

You’ll notice that all of these examples also follow a particular pattern: looking for a positive match involves using the relevant lower case letter (e.g. \d for digits), while looking for a negative match (“anything but” something) involves using the upper case equivalent (so, \D for ‘not’ a digit).

Negative matches against particular characters can also be specified by using the caret symbol ^ inside a pair of square brackets containing the characters you want to not match.

So, for example, just as you might use [A-Z] to indicate ‘any upper case letter’, you can add a caret inside those square brackets like so:


…to indicate ‘any letter that’s not an upper case character’.

Equally, [^aeiouAEIOU] would mean ‘any letter apart from a vowel’ and [^Z] would mean ‘any letter apart from an upper case Z’.

How regex was used in the art story

I opened this chapter with a story about data on more than 200,000 works of art in galleries across the UK, and how regular expressions would be needed to pick out the patterns in textual data.

In that particular story I used regex not in Google Sheets, but with the programming language R, and it can be very useful if you decide to use coding in your work (you’ll find a chapter on regex in coding Python in my book Scraping for Journalists, for example).

Here are just some of the ways that regex was used:

Firstly, it was used as part of a process of date cleaning:

  • In some cases dates included a question mark to indicate that this was an estimate. The side-effect of this was that we couldn’t perform numerical calculations like the average year or the most common century. To clean those up we used the regex "\?" (note that the question mark is escaped)
  • The same applied to centuries (e.g. “19th C”): the regex "[0-9]+th C" was used to identify these (further cleaning was used to convert that to a start and end date)
  • The regex "c[0-9]+" was used to identify ‘c’ for ‘circa’ in a similar way
  • The regex "[0-9]+0s" was used to identify decades (e.g. ‘1950s’)

It was also used to identify variations of royal names:

  • The regex ".*Elizabeth I[^A-Za-z].*" was used to identify Queen Elizabeth I and II. Similar regex was used to identify other royals, e.g. ".*Richard I[^A-Za-z].*" (these were generated from a list of royals rather than manually typing each one in)
  • Similarly, regex like ".*Queen.*|.*Princess.*|.*Empress.*" was used to identify royal titles
  • And .*Prince[^s].* was used to identify where ‘Prince’ occurred, but not when followed by an ‘s’ (otherwise it would also match ‘Princess’)

Note that some of these expressions matched artworks related to items named after royals, such as the ‘Prince of Wales’ steam engine, or the ‘King’s Dragoons’ army regiment. These could be identified and cleaned in further stages of data analysis.

And finally, it was used to identify schools of art, with the regex ".*[Ss]chool.*".

You can find all the code and spreadsheets used in that project in the GitHub repo for the story at https://github.com/BBC-Data-Unit/art-uk.

You can download a Google Sheet which has both the election tweets and further sheets showing example regex here

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