About OJB


The Online Journalism Blog publishes interviews, analysis, links and tips on online and multiplatform journalism, data journalism and visualisation, interactive storytelling, citizen journalism, advanced search techniques and OSINT, and all things internet.


The blog is written by award-winning data journaist and academic Paul Bradshaw – with contributions from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Finland, FranceGermany, GreeceHungary, Iran, Italy, Macedonia, Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, NorwayPalestine, the Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovenia, South Africa, South KoreaSpain, Trinidad and Tobago, the UK, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, USA, and plenty of other places.


Paul runs the MA in Data Journalism and the MA in Multiplatform and Mobile Journalism at Birmingham City University and is the author of a number of books and book chapters about online journalism and the internet, including the Online Journalism Handbook (now in its second edition), Finding Stories in Spreadsheets, Data Journalism Heist and Scraping for Journalists.

From 2010-2015 he was a Visiting Professor in Online Journalism at City University London and from 2009-2014 he ran Help Me Investigate, an award-winning platform for collaborative investigative journalism. Since 2015 he has worked with the BBC England and BBC Shared Data Units based in Birmingham, UK. He also advises and delivers training to a number of media organisations.

The OJB logo was designed by John Dickinson.

86 thoughts on “About OJB

  1. NIshikant Khajuria

    Sir, I am a Kashmir (India administered) based journalist with a professional experience of ten years.
    I want to contribute news items from here to the news agencies, magazines, papers or news portals. Kindly guide me in this regard.
    Awaiting for your reply.

  2. Arnaud Hulstaert

    I’m a student in information and communcation science (at Bruxelles – Belgium – I hope my english is’nt too bad) and I study the online information system useb by the journalists and the quality of these systems. To make this study, I need information from journalists and It’s rather difficult to obtain. Is it possible for me to contact you by email to ask you some questions ? My objectives are to improve those systems and therefor I need advices from journalists.
    Thank you

  3. Ken Liu


    I read the post on wiki journalism with great interest since we have a wiki publishing platform for online media that is targeted at building communities. Iwould like to get your help in contacting the people you surveyed. Our launch customer is the San Diego Union Tribune and afew other publications are looking into it, with inetersting applications on kids sports, global warming, schools etc. Perhaps you are interested in helping us gain entry into the UK market?

  4. Wasim Mohammed

    Hi there

    I’ve just launched a bit of a crazy website idea and just wanted a bit of advice.

    I’m not even sure if you’re the right person I should be asking and actually I’m hoping I’m not being cocky by asking you this but do you think my site would make a good story.

    Kind Regards

  5. Fiaz Sami

    I’ve launched a website that is centered around people raising questions to newsmakers in response to news items on the web. People can relate news articles to questions to support the validity of a given question. The main idea is to collaboratively raise the tough questions journalists would normally not use in an interview or a press conference.

    I wanted to know what your thoughts were about such a concept and what impact it may have on citizen journalism.

  6. Pingback: Las 3 Etapas de las Redes Sociales | CiberPrensa

  7. Sandra Browne

    We are looking to hire recent journalism graduates for full time positions in a startup South Florida newspaper. Would you have any leads or suggestions how we can find applicants?

  8. Pingback: freelance-writing.1freelance

  9. Pingback: Wiki-jornalismo: desafios e conceitos « Herdeiro do Caos

  10. Pingback: O polêmico wiki-jornalismo « Comunicação, Cultura e Tecnologias

  11. ian

    this site is very useful for my journalism class. i would just like to know something about video diary as a form of journalism. Is it related to online journalism? what are the pecularities or styles used in here?

  12. Caroline

    Hey there,

    This is Caroline from SocialRank.

    I am trying to get in touch with you but couldn’t find your email address.

    We will index your blog posts as part of our content filter. I’d like to send you an invite to a beta preview of our new Web 2.0 site.

    Can you get back to me with your email address.

    Mine is caroline@journalismdaily.com

    Kind regards,



  13. Media Wales

    Paul. Just come across your blog and really impressed. We’ve just started a blog focussing on the media in Wales (mainly news media) and while it’s in its early days we hope it’ll evolve into a mature blog for debate and discussion by both the media professionals and media customers. Would really appreciate your comments.

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  19. Pingback: Making Online News » Blog Archive » Reactions to the book in the scholarly blogosphere

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  25. Pingback: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most verbose of all? — Chocolate and Vodka

  26. Pingback: Time to Twitter | dabuzz media

  27. Pingback: Online Journalism « A Stiff Upper Lip

  28. Pingback: 10 razones por la que los periodistas y los que no lo somos demos gracias al Internet | Adventure Graphics

  29. Pingback: Online Journalism Blog and Paul Bradshaw « Marhart’s Blog

  30. Pingback: Introducing - Help Me Investigate | Stef Lewandowski

  31. Pingback: The web has changed the economics of news, but there still ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. « Low Opinions

  32. Pingback: Irresistible Online Journalism in One Diagram « Just Another Meme Vector

  33. Pingback: Teaching social media in journalism schools, tips from a director | Vadim Lavrusik

  34. Pingback: The basics of online journalism « The Future of Journalism

  35. Pingback: Jornalismo, formação e emprego » Ensino de Jornalismo

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  39. Pingback: 8 News Media Business Trends for 2010 « Mike Dickman

  40. Pingback: Rob Wells | LSJ off(line) on ’net news

  41. Teodora Tsulina


    I went through your blog and I would say that found it impressive. I’m a second year student of European Studies at the University of Malmo/Sweden. Naturally, from Bulgaria/Sofia.Currently, I am doing my year as an exchange student at the University of Seville/Spain (for the first term) and at the University of Granada/Spain (second term). I would like to contribute to your work in this blog. Honestly, I have no experience in the shpere of journalism and publishing, besides one month training at one of the Bulgarian national newspapers. However, I would be extremely happy having the chance to improve my skills and deepen my knowledge. Although, I have not experience, I think that my work, help, colaboration could be useful for the following reasons: I have plenty of contacts with people from different parts of Europe, taking into account my background. Also, I am originally from Bulgaria (an Eastern European country) where concepts like ‘media pluralism’, ‘investigative journalism’ or ‘freedom of speach’ are relatively new. In the future, I would like to dedicate myself at improving the level of journalism in Bulgaria, especially the points, emphasized in Article 19. Therefore,my work for this blog, will inevitably contribute to my personal develpment.

    If you anyway decide that I could be useful for the developing of the blog contact me.


    Teodora Tsulina

  42. Pingback: Facebook: Mediernes ven eller fjende? « Ny Journalistik

  43. Pingback: Redes Sociales … ¿moda o tendencia?

  44. Tom Smith

    Hi Paul,

    this looks great! Well done… I’m attempting a similar approach of trying to provide a collection of tools for data exploration (it’s not ready yet) at the University of York ( http://pppeoplepppowered.blogspot.com/ ).

    The idea is to try and find connections between people (using social media, google searches and web site data) and then add those connections, however spurious as a starting point for a social media tool… Something to nosey around and explore…

    Keep up the good work, it’s a great idea…


  45. Pingback: 114 fontes de informação sobre data journalism | João Pedro Pereira

  46. Pingback: Periodisme de dades | Reflexions sobre periodisme, comunicació i cultura

  47. Pingback: Paul Bradshaw: “Wikileaks és una lliçó per al periodisme” « Karma Peiró

  48. Pingback: Audioboo’s mailbox is great news for hacks « Rosie Niven

  49. Pingback: Useful journalism sites « paulmcjournalist

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  51. Pingback: Herramientas Externas de Otros | Salvador Trinxet Llorca

  52. Pingback: Jurnalisme Data « kurniawansaputro

  53. Antoinette Siu

    Hi Paul, I’m interested in contributing to your blog. Can you tell me how I can get involved? Thanks!

  54. Johnny C

    I find your blog interesting I have a website/blog that also delivers information about the Island of St Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean http://www.clickonsthelenaisland.com.
    It originally started as a blog but has been developed into a Information web portal however its is not always easy to get information from the Island as i am now based in the UK it would be interesting to know if you have any tips on getting info from remote locations like St Helena for collating into a new blog on my web portal

    1. Paul Bradshaw Post author

      As it happens one of my MA students at Birmingham – Simon Pipe – is exploring that area. My advice has been to explore community management – I’m sure he’ll have more to tell than me in the next few months.

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  57. Pingback: The cost of closeness | The Online (R)evolution

  58. Pingback: A guide to data journalism « Advanced online project

  59. Hirofumi Hayashi

    Dear Mr. Bradshaw,
    I hope this finds you well. I am Hiroyuki Hayashi, Dentsu’s creative director working on the Tokyo Shimbun app you commented on for the BBC article. Yes, as you have mentioned, there are many nuts to crack but we hope to sophisticate the usage of AR and provide interesting content for readers of different age groups and interests. I will keep you posted with our new developments.
    Kind regards,

  60. Thomas Cheley

    Dear Paul,

    I am writing from the Institute of Art and Ideas in Britain which organises an annual festival of ideas where we film every debate and talk. I just came across your website and thought that you might be interested in a video we’ve released recently.

    Entitled “The Rise and Fall of The Fourth Estate: Leveson Inquiry & the Future of the Media”, it’s a debate between MPs, columnists and philosophers examining the power of the media within society.

    I thought this debate might appeal to you and your readers, and if you think it does it would be lovely if you could share it with them.

    Best regards,
    Tom Cheley

  61. Pingback: Festival der Regionen | allerweltsgeschichten

  62. kostenfreie Sprüche zum Geburtstag

    Alle wissen , dass nicht nur ein gutes Geburtstagsgeschenk während einer Geburtstagsparty wirklich wichtig ist.
    Natürlicherweise freut sich jedes Geburtstagskind auch über einen deklamierten Geburtstagspruch, der
    seine Geburtstagsparty unvergesslich macht.

    Heutzutage gibt es wirklich viele Möglichkeiten, einen tollen Spruch zum Geburtstag zu finden.
    Ganz allgemein gesagt, kann man sich sowohl für kurze Geburtstagssprüche als auch für ein bisschen längere
    Gedichte zum Geburtstag entscheiden. Die kürzeren Geburtstagsgedichte kann man
    offensichtlich auch per SMS versenden. Die auf vielen Webseiten vorgeschlagenen lange Geburtstagsgedichte kann man
    dagegen während der Party deklamieren – sicher wird der Jubilar davon begeistert.

    Witzige Geburtstagsgedichte bilden eine tolle Lösung, wenn
    man Gedichte z.B. zum 18. Geburtstag braucht. Wenn man aber eher neutrale Geburtstagssprüche braucht, die sich für jedes Geburtstagskind
    eignen, sollte man einfach ein Zitat wählen. Ein neutraler Spruch oder ein nicht
    sehr langes Geburtstagsgedicht kann man z.B. während der Party zum Geburtstag des Chefs oder
    eines Mitarbeiters rezitieren.
    Immer kann man auch einen gefundenen Spruch ein wenig modifizieren,
    damit er besser zur Gelegenheit und zum Geburtstagskind passt.
    Man kann sicher sein, angebrachte Wünsche zum Geburtstag werden nie vergessen.

  63. kostenlose Geburtstagssprüche

    Alle wissen gut , dass nicht nur ein interessantes Geschenk zum Geburtstag während einer Geburtstagsparty wirklich wichtig ist.

    Selbstverständlich freut sich jeder Jubilar
    auch über einen gut gewählten Spruch zum Geburtstag, der seine Geburtstagsparty einfach unvergesslich macht.

    Heutzutage gibt es tatsächlich viele Möglichkeiten, einen passenden
    Geburtstagsspruch zu wählen. Ganz allgemein gesagt, kann man sich sowohl
    für kurze Geburtstagssprüche als auch für ein bisschen
    längere Geburtstagswünsche entschließen. Die kürzeren Geburtstagssprüche kann man natürlich sogar per
    SMS schicken. Die auf Internetseiten gebotenen lange Wünsche zum Geburtstag kann man dagegen auf der Party zum Geburtstag rezitieren – sicher wird jedes Geburtsgaskind davon einfach
    Ein bisschen ironische Wünsche zum Geburtstag bedeuten eine interessante Lösung, im Fall, wenn man einen Spruch z.B.

    zum 18. Geburtstag braucht. Falls man aber eher neutrale Geburtstagsgedichte braucht, die sich für wirklich jeden Anlass
    eignen, sollte man einfach eine Lebensweisheit auswählen.
    Ein neutraler Spruch oder ein nicht besonders langes Gedicht kann man z.B.
    auf der Party des Vorgesetzten oder eines Mitarbeiters vortragen.

    Jedenfalls kann man auch einen im Internet gefundenen Spruch
    ein wenig abwandeln, damit er besser zum konkreten Anlass und zum Jubilar passt.
    Man kann sicher sein, angebrachte Geburtstagswünsche bleiben
    lange im Kopf des Jubilars.

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  75. ashbystrauch

    Really like your blog! Very insightful. As someone who is studying (and trying to blog about journalism), this website was helpful and inspiration. Keep up the great work! I will be looking forward to reading your posts.

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